Office sets OneDrive as the default location during its installation. This default location causes trouble for users who prefer to save to their local or network directories. Word or Excel may prompt users for multiple authentication requests before they can save locally.
Change the default save location.
- Open any Microsoft Office 2016 program.
- Click on the File
menu item.
- Click on Options.
- Click on the Save
tab located on the left menu.
- Toggle the check box field that reads “Save to
computer by default”. Click OK.
That's it!
Microsoft Office is vulnerable to memory corruption vulnerabilities. Malicious emails, sent in rich text format (RTF), can provide attackers remote code execution (RCE). In other words, RTF emails are not safe!
Common vulnerability and exposure (CVE) CVE-2016-0127 impacts Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013.
- Run Windows Updates on a regular basis.
- Enable Microsoft Office File Block Policy to block RTF documents.
Disable RTF in Office 2007:
Disable RTF in Office 2010:
- RtfFiles DWORD: 2
- OpenInProtectedView DWORD: 0
Disable RTF in Office 2013:
- RtfFiles DWORD: 2
- OpenInProtectedView DWORD: 0
That's It!
neNote notebook cannot open. "Force Sync" does not resolve the issue.
Specific errors include "syncing not available; update file permission
OneNote stores its data in two places: (a) master file on the file server and (b) a local copy. OneNote uses two-way synchronization to keep file changes up-to-date.
Errors may appear because of local data corruption.
Solution Steps:
Delete local OneNote cache files to resolve synchronizing problems. This process does not harm data on the server.
- Exit/ close OneNote.
- Browse to the following directory: C:\Users\dfreedman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneNote
N.B., Turn on hidden folders in order to view the AppData directory.
- Rename (or delete) the nested directory: Existing directory (i.e., old): 15.0
Renamed directory (i.e., new): 15.0_old
- Open the OneNote notebook on the fileserver.
Once open, OneNote creates new cache that eliminates synchronization errors.
Re-installing Microsoft Office may fail because of stale or leftover registry values.
Locate and delete old Office registry keys.
- Open Regedit with Administrative privileges.
- Locate Office registry keys: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\.
- Delete keys with caution Export keys to a file before making changes.
Consider removing user profile data as well:
Win 8:
Problem: Windows Updates continually fails to install. Setup program provides error and quits.
- Office 2013 Setup Error
- Bootstrapper has stopped working
- Attach Office ISO or insert Office DVD.
- Browse to the following directory: D:\standard.ww
- Run the following program: standard.msi
That's it!
Problem: Outlook 2016 cannot preview Excel file attachments. Additional symptoms include unable to copy or save Excel attachments.
Error: This file cannot be previewed because there is no previewer installed for it.
Reason: Microsoft plans to correct issue in future program updates.
Solution: Change registry setting to correct this problem:
Registry Change:
String: {21E17C2F-AD3A-4b89-841F-09CFE02D16B7}
Value: Microsoft Visio previewer
String: {65235197-874B-4A07-BDC5-E65EA825B718}
Value: Microsoft PowerPoint previewer
String: {84F66100-FF7C-4fb4-B0C0-02CD7FB668FE}
Value: Microsoft Word previewer
String: {00020827-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Value: Microsoft Excel Previewer
Additional Note:
This seems to be a problem with all the Outlook 2016 installs. Consider creating a group policy to push this change to all computers with the software installed.
That's it!
Fix problem with saving files in Office 2016. |
Problem: Error saving Office 2016 files, "Word could not create the work file".
Error Source: AppData registry data (i.e., Cache) is set for default user (i.e., the user account used during the Office installation).
For Example, registry cache setting may read:
Correct format:
The error may, or may not result from SYSPREP.
Fix: Registry change fixes this error:
- KEY PATH: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
- VALUE DATA: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
Push change out via Group Policy if updates are needed for multiple PCs:
- Computer Configuration
- Windows Settigns
- Registry: New Item
- Key Path: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
- Value Name: Cache
- Value type: REG_EXPAND_SZ
- Value data: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache
Note: User Shell Folders\Cookies is also set for default user. Unsure of impact so I recommend changing this to %USERPROFILE% as well.
This fix resolved errors for Office 2016 on Windows 8 and Windows 10. This pertains to retail, volume license, and Office 365 versions of Office 2016.
This fix is similar, but different from Microsoft KB 2285187. KB 2285187 is only for Office 2013, 2010, and 2007. It may or may not be pertinent to Windows 8 and Windows 10. The registry value is different.