Master of Science ICT Portfolio

"The only way to do great work, is to love what you do."

  -Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011).

Jordan Family
           Steven Jordan and family.
           Lake Michigan, Milwaukee, WI

Define ICT:

Information and communication technology (ICT) is the science of technology and organizations.  The practice of ICT bridges the benefits of technology into the workplace.  
provides many benefits.  For example, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a layered approach to consolidate resources. Business Intelligence (BI) develops available resources to provide analytic innovations.

Although technology provides opportunity it does not guarantee success.  Projects can exceed budget, fall behind schedule, and fail expectations.  ICT provides a balanced approach for technology management to facilitate company goals.  Success requires in-depth understanding and systematic planning.

Professional Goal:

My goal is to have mastered the ICT principles of innovation diffusion. 

I will use these process improvement skills to adopt, implement, use and measure the effects of innovations throughout the workplace.


  • Master of Science in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from the University of Wisconsin Stout. 
  • Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.   
  • Cisco Certified Network Professional.
  • Cisco Certified Network Security Associate.
  • Master Gardener at the University of Wisconsin Extension.

I am fortunate to have a career that I am passionate about.  It's a thrill to help others adopt and implement ICT innovations!      


I was inspired after reading Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew.  My wife and I love to garden and grow a variety of corn, squash, and tomatoes each summer.

We also enjoy hiking Wisconsin's Glacial trails.  I hope to complete the entire Ice Age Trail with my oldest son before he starts college.

My wife is an accomplished downhill skier.  The rest of the family use snowboards!  We hit the slopes every weekend throughout the winter.  Work hard and play hard!

Missy Jordan


I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my wonderful wife Melissa.

Thank you for your encouragement, support, and patience.  You are a saint for putting up with me!  You are are terrific wife, mother and teacher -I am truly blessed.

Last updated  November 4th, 2016.

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